Во-первых, он не просил, во-вторых...лучше для Нолика)))
Любимый Нолик
Сообщений 301 страница 330 из 800
Поделиться3022008-01-21 22:37:11
а он должен тебя персонально попросить?
че-эт лучше для Нолика?чтоб стопудово ответную реакцию получить,дааа?хитрюга!
Поделиться3032008-01-21 22:37:44
сделай такую футболку для Игоря лучше
ДА-да да!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Поделиться3042008-01-21 23:08:38
вот чувствую скоро тут ателье откроется.... ....
Поделиться3052008-01-21 23:17:40
ой)) тчоно)) начг=нём всех обшивать)) кто кого) Я Мару, ты Рафу)))
Поделиться3062008-01-21 23:20:33
хмммм.....а это заманчиво)))...я всегда считала что при игре на нем многовато одежды :blush2:
Поделиться3072008-01-21 23:28:19
Дек сшей ему рубашку в КРУПНУЮ сетку))))))))))))))))
Поделиться3082008-01-22 09:39:44
чтоб стопудово ответную реакцию получить,дааа
угу...ты раскусила мой план... :blush2:
сшей ему рубашку в КРУПНУЮ сетку
во-первых, тогда уж лучше с одной бооооооольшой дыркой))))))
а во-вторых, обсуждать это идите в его темку :girl_blum:
Поделиться3092008-01-22 13:05:12
ты раскусила мой план.
тады вперед!!!!)))))
Поделиться3102008-01-22 14:33:33
Q. Could you sum up the game from the tough start to actually winning.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You know, I knew it's going to be a tough encounter. Obviously Lleyton is a big champion. He was former No. 1 player of the world, playing in front of his crowd. He's always dangerous wherever he plays and whenever he plays.
Even though I was the slight favorite in the match, you know, I was aware of the fact that he plays the best when in front of his crowd, and he's not going to give up. But in some moments of the match he was making some unforced errors, which helped me to get through.
It's understandable because he finished his match, third round, at 5:00 in the morning, so he was tired.
Q. You're used to being cast as one of the nice guys on tour. What was it like being the villain? It wasn't a hostile crowd, but they weren't on your side.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You know, you need to deal with the pressure, that's for sure. As a professional tennis player, you have to accept these things the way they are. And I was aware of the fact that it's going to be a full house supporting him, 90, 95% of the people. I was ready for it, you know.
In the start of the match I wasn't playing the way I wanted, but, you know, I managed to get through with some lucky shots. I stayed with him, you know. That was the most important thing: To just play my style of the game, be aggressive and wait for the shots. Very happy to get it in straight sets.
Q. Just in that first set there seemed to be times when the atmosphere seemed to be getting under your skin. Obviously, you weren't playing quite as well as you wanted to.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, as I said ‑ I'll repeat it again ‑ you have to accept the pressure and accept the people against you. Of course, they're going to support the player from Australia.
But I had many matches like that in 2007. Besides the victory in the straight sets today, I gain another experience, a good experience, which is going to help me in the future.
Q. When did you feel he was getting tired?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, you know, it's very difficult to figure out if he's tired or not because he's really big fighter and competitor. He's running all over the court, and he doesn't give you any points, you know, like that.
But I think in the second set, you know, he was struggling with that long points and he made some uncharacteristic ‑ for him ‑ unforced errors. You know, I used my opportunities. I knew that I need to push myself hard to finish the job in straight sets.
Q. Getting closer to a Grand Slam win, do you feel now you're playing well enough to win this one?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think so, yes. So far I've been performing very, very good tennis. Today, except maybe that first set, the second and third set were really good. I'm happy. And, you know, I didn't lose a set. So it's another positive fact for me, for the continuation of the tournament, of course.
It was expected for me to get to the quarterfinals, you know, even further. But I'm taking it easy. You know, I'm going slowly, step by step.
Q. Is it tempting at all to look ahead to a matchup against Federer in the semifinal?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You know, I wouldn't talk about that 'cause now I have very difficult opponent from Spain: David Ferrer, the guy I lost to in the Masters Cup. He finished his year big time in Shanghai, so he's very motivated now. He's 5 or 6 in the world.
Again, he doesn't have anything to lose here. So he's been playing some amazing tennis. It's going to be a tough match for me, so we'll see what happens.
Q. Do you think if Lleyton didn't have the five‑setter against Baghdatis it would be different today?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: We don't want to think in that direction now. I won in straight sets. That's what it matters most.
Q. So you are in the quarterfinals. How do you feel?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I feel great.
Q. Ferrer is your next opponent.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I just said about that.
Q. How do you think the match will go?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: As I said, you know, he's a big competitor, so it's going to be a tough match. Long points. I'm gonna be ready, physically for it.
Q. You have been in this position at a few Grand Slams now. Do you feel, this one, you've gotten through expending the minimum amount of energy? Do you feel everything is as good as it can be at this stage of a tournament?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, this is something that every player obviously tends to have, you know, energy saving and try to spend as less of energy as is possible. You know, of course, it's very hard on the tournaments like this.
You know, when you play best‑of‑five setters. And if you have a tough draw it's even harder. You need to run a lot. But that's probably something that Federer does best. He knows. Rationally he's saving his energy. He knows when he needs to push it, when he needs to be patient.
But there is still time for me. You know, I'm only 20 years old. I'm just getting to the professional world. I had amazing year 2007. So far 2008 has been great. You know, hopefully this is going to be my life the next 10, 15 years.
Q. Usually by this stage of a tournament we're talking about Roger being on court half as long as everybody else. Bit of a different story at this tournament, isn't it?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes. The players start to feel that he's beatable. Of course, nobody's unbeatable. But he was very, very dominant, especially on the faster surfaces. You know, now he's being No. 1 player of the world for a while. The players started playing in a different way against him, with more belief that they can win. So it's a good thing for all of us.
Q. You do a great imitation of Maria Sharapova. The other day she was asked to do one of you.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: She refused.
Q. She was afraid to break her back if she threw the ball as high as you do.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: She doesn't have such a strong back to hold on to the ball bouncing.
Q. You struggled a little bit at the end of last year. Do you think you are back at your best level?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think so. It's still start of the year. It's my first, you can say official tournament. I've been winning in the Hopman Cup as well four matches and here, so far four matches.
I gained a lot of confidence which I lost ‑ kind of lost ‑ in the end of the last year. I finished the year with five losses in a row, which was unexpected. But, again, it was understandable because I had such a long season and so many matches. It was exhausting for me.
But now I came to this tournament with a lot of motivation, high ambitions. It started well for me. We'll see what happens.
Q. David said if he wants to win this match he needs to wear you down running. Do you feel physically ready for that match?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I'm going to stand up in the morning and run for two hours, work on my running (laughter).
Well, one thing is for sure: he's obviously gonna try to run a lot, to make me run a lot and play long points. But, you know, everybody has a different way of getting to the match, tactic.
I'm gonna try to change my game, you know. Since Masters Cup, you know, I didn't play really well there. I was pretty tired, so I was making a lot of unforced errors. Here it's a different story. I'm fit physically and mentally and motivated to get far.
Q. Which are going to be those changes?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, the main change now is that I'm much fresher than I was in the Masters Cup. That's the main thing. And, of course, I learned a lesson. You know, I was very unpatient (sic) in that match in Shanghai. So it's going to be a different story now.
Q. I saw your youngest brother practicing at one of the courts. Compared to you at the same age, how do you think he is?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's great to have, of course, two younger brothers next to you. They came here to Australia to support me. The 16‑year‑old, he played here in Australian Open juniors, as well. It's a great experience for him. Hopefully you're going to see a lot of Djokovics in the future, brothers.
For them, it's amazing to just be surrounded with all the best players in the world. They met a lot of great players. Now they have motivation more. It's good they have me next to them so I can give them right advices in the right time.
Q. Are they your biggest fans?
Поделиться3122008-01-22 18:37:28
Хы...он нравится мне все больше и больше...
Поделиться3132008-01-22 22:35:42
рык бизона
О боже!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Он мне кого то напоминает))))))) типа.....АльКапоне)))))))))))
-"че ты бычишь,я не понял?"
А мне его пальчики напоминают фильм с Траволотой "Грис"))))))
Поделиться3152008-01-23 13:46:11
ааааааааааааааааааааай,как я его люблю :girl_in_love:
Поделиться3162008-01-23 14:47:34
Молодец Новак)) смотрела0) офигенно играл, но больеш всего мыне погнраивлось,, когда я прочитада по чего нубам "немогу боле..."))))))))прикольно)
Поделиться3172008-01-23 14:47:50
Джокович: каждый раз, играя против Федерера, я чему-то учусь
Сербский теннисист Новак Джокович встретится в полуфинале Открытого чемпионата Австралии с лучшим теннисистом планеты Роджером Федерером из Швейцарии. После победы в четвертьфинальном матче над испанцем Давидом Феррером Джокович сказал в интервью, что готов оказать достойное сопротивление первому номеру мирового рейтинга.
"После победы над Роджером в Монреале я думал, что у меня есть шанс против него перед финальным матчем US Open, — рассказал Джокович. — У меня были шансы в той игре, однако, я не сумел их использовать. Сейчас я совсем другой игрок. Знаете, каждый раз, играя против Федерера или другого классного игрока, я стараюсь научиться чему-то новому, получаю бесценный опыт. Поэтому я пересматриваю матчи, советуюсь с тренером, чтобы играть в теннис лучше, сохранять силы, поднимать уровень своей игры и выигрывать у лучших игроков мира".
Поделиться3182008-01-23 14:49:33
прочитада по чего нубам "немогу боле..."
Поделиться3192008-01-23 14:50:47
Да..там у Фереро брейк пойнт был, вот он и нервчничал.а потом начал ругатсья с чуваком с триюбун)))
Поделиться3202008-01-23 15:24:21
начал ругатсья с чуваком с триюбун
:pooh_lol: Новак? ругаться? и как??? кто победил в ругани? :pooh_lol:
Поделиться3212008-01-23 17:17:17
если кому интересно,то вот про девушку Нолика:
Nole's Long Distance Love
The best Serbian tennis player Novak Đoković showed loud and clear after the win in Davis Cup over Australia that he is in a very serious relationship with his girlfriend Jelena Ristić. Nole showed up for a celebration at club „Magacin" hand in hand with the attractive brunette and with that sent a message to all "interested Maria Sharapovas" who is his "number one".
- Jelena is an extremely nice and humble girl. She is quiet and doesn’t wish to draw attention to herself too much. We are talking about a highly educated and intelligent person, and the fact that she is studying economics and finance in Milan clearly shows that she has serious ambitions in life. She and Nole have been in a relationship since the end of 2005, and they both feel bad that they cannot see each other more often. Still, whenever he has time, Novak “hops over” to Italy to see her. – tells us a source close to Novak Đoković.
As we have come to learn, even a fact that they are separated and rarely get to see each other cannot affect the love Nole and Jelena feel towards one another.
- Nole is very much in love with Jelena even if he does not have the opportunity to be with her often. While he is running around the world playing tournaments, she is studying economics in Milan. However, “love over the wire” (I am at a loss for a better phrase, but they are referring to a phone) cannot affect their feelings. If it could, Nole would succumb to numerous female suitors, but for him there is only Jelena. – tells us our source.
Nole first “introduced” Jelena at a tournament in Amersfoort in July of 2006 and her presence brought him luck immediately. By beating Nicolas Massu in the final Đjoković won the first ATP tournament of his career. She set in his box and supported him with all her might, but after the match she did not want to call attention to herself. Still after his great triumph, Nole ran over to her, hugged her, and kissed her passionately. Jelena has supported Novak from his family box on several more occasions, however, the fact that she was not with him in New York and in her place set Maria Sharapova gave rise to stories.
- Jelena is too smart of a girl to get upset by rumors. She knows how thing are, so it never occurred to her to create drama when Nole had his picture taken with five girls in Umag (There have been reports that Umag tournament organizers claimed Đoković had partied a bit much with some of the hostesses, so I assume the picture goes with that story) or when Maria Sharapova supported him from his box. That speaks to her character, because however weird it sounds, it is not easy being a girlfriend of such a successful athlete as Novak Đoković. Not everyone can do that. – tells us our source.
With Jelena from number 36 to number 3
Novak Đoković, as facts show, has simply blossomed since he has been in a relationship with Jelena. When they met he was ranked below 50 in the ATP rankings, once their relationship became serious, before the tournament in Amersfoort, Nole was ranked 36. Since then he has moved with forceful speed to the top of the tennis world and in only one year got to number 3.
It is without doubt that Jelena greatly influences Nole’s confidence. Results speak to that more so than any words could.
Since the tournament in Amersfoort Jelena has only once more “officially” supported Novak from his family box. That was several months ago at the tournament in Hamburg.
Unlike most famous athletes, Novak has never spoken about his relationship with Jelena to the media.
Before his relationship with Jelena, the media tagged Đoković as Ana Ivanović’s boyfriend, but it quickly became clear that they are only just friends.
Source: PRESS
I. Đurđević
09.24.2007, Belgrade
Поделиться3222008-01-23 23:16:59
Новак? ругаться? и как??? кто победил в ругани?
Ну он сначало громко поорал, пр=отом бублин себе под нос нечто похожее на "достали"
Поделиться3242008-01-24 15:42:21
Последная фотка пРОСТО СУПЕР!!!!!!!!!!!!
Поделиться3252008-01-25 12:50:23
Джокеры тренируются-Джорджик даже в такой же футболке,как у Нолика
А дальше безумно милая статья про Джокеров:
Kin of the court: Djokovic's brotherly love helps beat homesickness
Novak Djokovic feels right at home in Melbourne with the clan nearby, writes Jessica Halloran.
Laughter filled the air on court 16 yesterday when the Djokovic brothers, Novak, Marko and Djordje, played a fierce game of football with a tennis ball before practice.
While tonight's Australian Open semi-finalist Novak was hounded for autographs, he wasn't the only Djokovic in demand, with 12-year-old Djordje's signature also sought by the fans hanging over the fence.
The youngest of the siblings is said to be the most naturally talented of the trio. Djordje's first toy was a tennis ball, and he is determined to follow in his biggest brother's footsteps.
Mother Dijana scooped up her youngest in a hug after the practice session, in which he had hit up with Novak. She sees the similarities in the world No.3 and her baby boy. "Sometimes I see in Djordje Novak when he was little," Dijana said. "They are totally the same. Whatever Novak says, he is listening. They are very charismatic, like to enjoy things, they imitate everything."
Dijana says her middle son, 16-year-old Marko, is also talented with the racquet but quieter than the other two. He received a wildcard into the junior championship here but lost in three sets to Australia's Clifford Marsland in the first round.
Both Marko and Djorde adore their big brother, Dijana said. "When Novak first started, they looked up to him. They have an idol in their own home, so it's very easy. They are playing tennis, not football or something else. They have options, they have their choice, but they decided it was going to be the tennis."
Rarely does the Djokovic clan get to hang out together like this. "This is a really, really rare occasion to play together," Dijiana said. "Because always Novak is on tour, and Marko and Djordje are practising at a tennis academy in Munich. These guys are all together now. They are always travelling. We try to be together, but it's difficult. It's the first time we have been to Australia. It's very difficult for him being one month away from home alone. We decided to come here and to enjoy it with him. He appreciates that [his brothers] are here."
At night, Dijana flips pancakes for her sons in the kitchen and, later in the evening, the family, including dad Srdjan, gathers for a game of cards.
It's just like they are at home, in the Serbian resort of Kopaonik, where the Djokovics run a pancake and pizza restaurant. The family have made a South Yarra apartment their home away from home for the duration of the tournament.
"It's a very nice vacation for all of us," Dijana says. "It's like we are at home. We always make fun at home to relax. We have a good time. That's why we came here to be with Novak all the time."
In the past, Novak's mood has dipped when the tour has taken him far away from his family. At last year's Open, the separation hit him hard. "Every time he goes to America or Australia for one summer, [a few times he has said] 'I can't do it any more, I want to go home,"' Dijana said.
This time, however, he is feeling right at home - and it's showing in his tennis, with Djokovic easing through the preliminary rounds to tonight's semi-final against Roger Federer. Naturally, his mother thinks her eldest son will win. "It will be tough," she said. "He's beaten [Federer] once before, so why not?"
Поделиться3262008-01-25 12:52:28
Видео с ДР Ноле(то,откуда раньше была фотография).Он там с Еленой танцует
Поделиться3272008-01-25 14:33:00
Поделиться3282008-01-25 14:42:54
ты ж не любишь Нолика...
Поделиться3292008-01-25 15:11:07
Джокер сверг Короля с австралийского трона
Трехкратный чемпион Australian Open, сильнейший теннисист мира Роджер Федерер сложил с себя полномочия действующего победителя турнира. В пятницу в полуфинальном поединке швейцарец, последние два года неизменно становившийся триумфатором Открытого чемпионата Австралии, в трех сетах проиграл 3-му номеру рейтинга АТР сербу Новаку Джоковичу со счетом 5/7, 3/6, 6/7(5).
В первой партии подавать начал Джокович и шла равная борьба до счета 3/3. В 7-м гейме Федерер заработал первый брейк-пойнт и успешно его реализовал, выйдя вперед 4/3. Соперники обменялись геймами на своей подаче, но при счете 5/4 Роджер не сумел подать на сет, сделав пару невынужденных ошибок, и Новак сравнял счет по 5/5. Затем «Джокер» не только вышел вперед - 6/5, но и сумел воспользоваться очередными ошибками Федерера, закончив сет в свою пользу - 7/5.
Во второй партии сначала Федерер дважды уступил свою подачу и Джокович повел 5/1. Только после этого Роджер попробовал наладить свою фирменную игру и один брейк отыграл. После подачи швейцарца счет сократился до 5/3, но Новак, несмотря на предупреждение судьи за затяжку времени на подаче, сумел справиться с нервами и эйсом поставил победную точку во второй партии – 6/3.
В третьем сете, оказавшемся решающим, Федерер сначала взял свою подачу, а во втором гейме повел на чужой 40-0 и имел 3 брейк-пойнта. Однако Новак сумел вовремя собраться и с помощью сильной первой подачи, которая сегодня у него проходила чаще, чем у Роджера, выиграл 5 мячей подряд и спас гейм. Затем уже у серба было четыре брейк-пойнта, но швейцарец не дрогнул и отстоял свою подачу, поведя со счетом 2/1. В дальнейшем теннисисты довольно уверенно брали свои подачи. Только при счете 6/5 у швейцарца на подаче соперника было два сетбола, однако Новак не позволил своему грозному сопернику их реализовать за счет опять же уверенной первой подачи. В итоге судьба матча решилась на тай-брейке, где удача была на стороне сильнейшего. Новак сумел отыграть мини-брейк при счете 1:3, а затем выровнять ситуацию. При счете 5:5 Джокер заработал матчбол, а Федерер в очередной и последний раз в этот вечер послал мяч справа в сетку. И сильнейшим стал Джокович – 7/5, 6/3, 7/6(5).
Теперь за победу в первом турнире серии «Большого шлема» Новак поборется с главным возмутителем спокойствия на кортах Мельбурна 38-й ракеткой мира французом Джо-Вилфридом Цонга, уже успевшим зарекомендовать себя здесь «грозой авторитетов». Напомним, что в своем полуфинале в четверг Цонга в трех партиях не оставил ни единого шанса второму номеру рейтинга АТР испанцу Рафаэлю Надалю – 6/2, 6/3, 6/2.
Джокович неоднократно заявлял, что его цель - стать первой ракеткой мира. После сегодняшнего матча счет в очном противостоянии между Джоковичем и Федерером стал 5-2 в пользу швейцарца.
Поделиться3302008-01-25 15:31:20
да это правда я его не люблю и более того абсолютно не хочу, чтобы он стал первой ракеткой мира. Мне не нравятся его личные качества как человека. Я считаю его заносчивым и вообще таким челом, котрый запросто какую-нибудь гадость сделает. Мне он даже внешне неприятен.
Но в этот раз я прада, что рожа продул.