СЧАЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ...уже побежала звонить...
Да я думаю, Новака и охранять буду т не так сильно как Масю)))
Щас телефон дам) и беги!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Да, к ноаока му с Настей точно пристанем) особеннно елси на 3 дня пойдём))))))
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СЧАЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ...уже побежала звонить...
Да я думаю, Новака и охранять буду т не так сильно как Масю)))
Щас телефон дам) и беги!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Да, к ноаока му с Настей точно пристанем) особеннно елси на 3 дня пойдём))))))
-хочется вот так сделать:[взломанный сайт]
-тоже мне Рауль
Новак Джокович: «Мне никто никогда не предлагал сдать матч»
Финалист US Open Новак Джокович заявил, что он никогда не сталкивался с проявлениями коррупции в теннисе, несмотря на появившуюся в СМИ информацию о том, что ему предлагали деньги за сдачу матча в России.
«Я слышал немало историй о том, что в теннисе случаются договорные матчи, но со мной лично никто по этому поводу не разговаривал. Я ни в чем таком никогда не участвовал, несмотря на все разговоры. Все это выдумки», – цитирует сербского теннисиста Associated Press.
Я ни в чем таком никогда не участвовал, несмотря на все разговоры.
та, блин, было бы странно если б кто-то признался!!!
Да. они сейчас все отнекиваются, но проблема то в том, что кто-то всётаки это делал((
с чего ты взяла?Он же "говорил" только о том,что ему предлагали такие матчи,но никто никогда не говорил,что он принимал эти предложения.Или я что-то путаю?
Нет,я говорю о том раз предложения поступали значит всётаки такая практика существоала. и видимо всё же кто-то соглашался....потоум что деньги в нашем мире значта многое....
Я просто раньше считала ( ка кэто и не глупо) теннис, тем видом с порта вкотором нет корупции....а оказалось..и меня это жутко огорчает((
Я просто раньше считала ( ка кэто и не глупо) теннис, тем видом с порта вкотором нет корупции....а оказалось..и меня это жутко огорчает((
Ой, все мы такие наивные... Остается надеяться, тчо ее сооооовсем мало, и есть оан где-нить на турнирах низшей категории, Челленджерах и Фьючерсах
Да, будем в это верить!!!!!!
девочки,помогите найти дневник Ноле в сети,а?)Вчера искала-искала,а нашла только запись одну(
Вот и она.Катюха,с тебя переводец
Novak Djokovic: Diary no. 8
The time has come for me to finally write something in my diary! I have been told off by many and people are getting impatient (understandably)! As you probably know, end of year is approaching (and with it the end of the tennis season), and I have many fantastic results behind me. This is undoubtedly the best year of my career (as far as tennis is concerned), and even outside of tennis I can't complain, because usually when you're in good spirits, positive energy arrives!
Still, tennis isn't everything (or sport in general). There have been numerous cases this year when I could have endangered my health, through pushing myself beyond the limits of what's possible and normal! Anyone who's played any sport in a professional capacity understands what hunger for victory and success means. In those moments your blood is pumped full of adrenalin and you don't feel pains or aches! However, despite all that I must take care of my health, because health should be everyone's top priority in life! I have learned that lesson a couple of times this season (particularly at Wimbledon) and I wish to avoid those situations.
I have always strived to create a team of people around me who will (as much as possible) make life easier, so that I didn't have to think about 100 things a day, but rather concentrate on what I do best! I'm not trying to preach to anybody, but those of you considering tennis as a career should be aware that you must be prepared for lots of sacrifice, training and self-investment! The more clear-headed and relaxed you feel, the better you will perform on court... Then again, it doesn't mean that everything has to be perfect. On many occasions have Jelena, Ana, Janko, Nenad and myself talked about our lives and growing up in Serbia! Many of the world media showed great interest when we emerged on the scene, coming from a country with relatively low living standards and virtually no facilities to produce professional tennis players! I don't think one could find a rational explanation, because there is no single formula! We each followed our own way and it was by chance that we all came through at the same time.
Janko has jokingly even mentioned radiation as the main cause of our success, but the real truth of the matter is the enormous desire to prove our worth and the support of our nearest and dearest! When I look back and consider the events I experienced in my childhood, I feel glad, because they made me mentally stronger and awoke the famous Serbian defiant streak in me!
Speaking of defiance, Serbs also have one negative trait, which is ENVY! As the Serbian saying goes: "May the neighbour's cow drop dead!" But still, this must be tolerated, for it is also part of life. Why did I mention this? Because I heard several negative comments and criticisms (which, of course, always exist) on account of my behaviour. For instance, I was criticised by a politician recently because I, together with Nenad, placed our flag onto the court following our doubles victory (on the second day of the Davis Cup). I don't know if this man had seen it, but the flag was inside the improvised HEART the two of us drew on the clay court of the Belgrade Arena! And how can I show the three-fingered salute when I win all over the world? But why would I be ashamed of where I am from!?
As a professional tennis player, with my results I promote first and foremost myself as an individual (and my family), and then too my country! I have been through a lot on route to becoming number 3 in the world, and I don't wish to justify my actions to anyone, but some peoples' disrespect hurts me at times. Every time that a professional sportsperson, artist, musician, actor emerges on the world scene, and next to their name it says SERBIA, that is the best possible publicity for our country! Given the fact we have many very talented and successful people in different walks of life, the world is seeing us in an increasingly positive light. Instead of respecting and admiring such people, there are a few who are malicious toward them! Such mentality cannot be changed, but we still tolerate it and are still proud to carry our flag and raise the three fingers!
But never mind, I just wanted to tell you my opinion on some of those negative issues which are really not worth much discussion.
Anyway, I haven't written for a while, so I must briefly comment on my experiences of the last few months.
First I must tell you about my preparations for the US leg of the tour, which also was my most successful campaign to date! My preparations took place in Zemun, on the newly built (indoor) tennis courts, whose surface is similar to the US hard courts. Turning off the motorway if driving in the direction of Novi Sad, after about a kilometer on your left you can see an area of Zemun which mainly houses warehouses and factories belonging to various businesses and companies! In the middle of those warehouses you can find a tennis court where together with my coach and fitness trainer I prepared for the hard court season. It was an interesting and unforgettable experience! The dean of my university even filmed everything so that one time we can show you all on my site.
There is no other country like America! As soon as you arrive, you can feel a change in the air, something you're not used... Some like it, other not so much, and I have to say I'm with the latter on this one... Of course there are many beautiful and intriguing places which must be visited, but the mentality is completely different from Europe. New York is a crazy city, with many happenings you simply can't avoid!. It all happens in Manhattan, where the majority of male and female tennis players are staying. For the past three years I stayed in the very centre, but next year I'll stay somewhere else for sure, because it's too noisy and you can't have peace and privacy which is essential when you're playing such an important tournament.
Grand Slam is a special tournament, because if you intend to go far, you must have seven days of physical and mental preparations, but still it all depends on the person, there are players like Davydenko who plays as many as thirty tournaments a year and remains one of the most consistent players on the ATP tour! As you have a day to yourself in-between matches, you can use it to visit other places or do stuff outside the courts and the club. That's how I had the opportunity to visit the METROPOLITAN Opera House in New York and attend the rehearsal of the famous opera singer Natalie Dessay! She came to see my quarter-final match and invited me to her rehearsal which was awesome! She is so tiny, yet has one of the best and most crystal clear voices I've ever heard. At the end of her rehearsal she got me up on stage and asked me to showcase my vocal abilities! Luckily, I knew a couple of arias by a couple of performers so I sang! Admittedly, it sounded god-awful following her performance. But realistically, how many people get the chance to sing at the Metropolitan Opera House? It was a great honour and a pleasure...
During many matches at some point in the day, operatic music can be heard from the ATP offices! Instantly you know who's inside- the well-know opera fan Vittorio Selmi! This is the man who has worked for the ATP for 30 years and has no intention of leaving tennis, because he obviously has a great passion for the sport. He is the man who made my visit to the New York Opera House possible and who has taught me a lot.
I think this is enough for today; tomorrow you'll get the next instalment (I promise)! I am currently in Belgrade and now have more time to devote to writing my diary, so trust me when I say that over the next few days you can look forward to more entries!
Kind regards to all tennis fans, and thank you all for the increasing support you have shown to our tennis players, including me
Ci sentiamo domani!
Translated by Milos Djordjevic
Djokovic, nouvelle terreur du tennis mondial
такой он тут забавный....не мАгу прям так и хочется "козу" сделать :pooh_lol:
МилашкО в Очках
:girl_in_love: а у него + или - ?
у него "фиг его знает"
:pooh_lol: ясно...а так он в линзах что ли ходит?
какой ж он все-таки высооооокий...или это фотокорры все сильно маленькие? :pooh_lol:
а так он в линзах что ли ходит?
я-то откуда знать могу?))))Я ж с ним не живу,в конце концов
или это фотокорры все сильно маленькие?
ну так Шанхай же,конечно маленькие
ОУУУУУУУУУу, мужчины в очках - моя третья слабость, после кудрявых и в костюмах с галстуком)))
Детство.Как сказала СВЕТА на ATPtour,"Такой чудесный ребёнок в Найке вырос в такого гадкого серба в Адидасе"
Ноле в костюме.Костюм ему идет не так,как Роже,но тоже ниче
Ноле в идиотском каком-то костюме :pooh_lol: -"Фигасе сколько деееееееевочек!!!!" :girl_haha:
-кружок сзади как ухо))
-шо он такое там увидел?!))
Я,кстати,заметила,что Новак чаще остальных участвует во всяких мероприятия.
Какой он прикольный)))))))))))))
Ноле в костюме.Костюм ему идет не так,как Роже,но тоже ниче
эт просто костюм дурацкий...
шо он такое там увидел?!))
не шо..а кого))))))))
Какая-то рекламная акция
:pooh_lol: "свет тенниса" :pooh_lol:
Прошу слабонервных отойти от компов
оу.... ау....
оооооооооооооооуууууч..... :girl_hide: какая у него....
какая у него....
не кто, а что...ну она ...самая круглая часть тела :pooh_lol:
и это я самая пошлая,да?
не кто, а что...ну она ...самая круглая часть тела
Согластна)) хорошая у него эта чать)))))))))))))))))))))))
Ноле в костюме.Костюм ему идет не так,как Роже,но тоже ниче
Ничто так ни красит мужика, как две вещи: темный костюм и военная форма... До последнего Ноле вряд ли дойдет))) А вот с костюмом можно и поработать)
оу.... ау.... оооооооооооооооуууууч..... какая у него....
БОЖЕ......... :girl_wacko: Уведите меня... Унесите точнее)
Да...мы тут все, я чувствую, слабонервные)
Наши нервы, как стальные канаты, их Сафин терзает-терзает .а никак не разорвет... А вот, что чувствительные - это да... Особено к такому зрелищу)
и это я самая пошлая,да?
канеш....я про голову, а ты о чем?
Вы здесь » Форум неофициального сайта Марата Сафина и Дмитрия Турсунова » ATP » Любимый Нолик