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Любимый Нолик

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Тарпищев: «В 2008 году Джокович станет первым»
Серб Новак Джокович в следующем сезоне отберет у швейцарца Роджера Федерера звание первой ракетки мира. Такое мнение в эксклюзивном интервью «Теннис и Бизнес» высказал президент ФТР, капитан сборных России Шамиль Тарпищев.

На вопрос корреспондента нашего издания, кто-нибудь в 2008 году сможет прервать гегемонию Роджера Федерера и Жюстин Энен и посягнуть на их лидирующие позиции в рейтингах АТР и WTA, Тарпищев ответил: «У мужчин это, несомненно, Джокович. Реально, в следующем сезоне он должен стать номером один, если не произойдет ничего экстраординарного. Что касается Федерера, то он классик – везде играет одинаково. Я бы сравнил его с Кузнецовой, Света тоже все может. Просто Кузнецова показывает лишь 70 процентов своих возможностей, Роджер же играет на максимуме. Остальные и рядом не стоят. Например, Надаль, или возьмем кого-то другого из первой 20-ки – все они однобокие теннисисты, играют в основном на задней линии. А Джокович, также как и Федерер – разноплановый игрок. У него лишь одна проблема – в свое время серб перенес операцию на горле».

«Что касается Энен, то я не считаю, что она доминирует в женском теннисе, - продолжает Тарпищев. - Жюстин не такая уж безгрешная в плане тенниса. У нее мужская психика, как и у Шараповой, бельгийка также очень быстрая и выносливая. То есть, это те качества, которые даются в основном от природы. Остальное развивается. Она, конечно, по-своему уникальный человек, но сейчас в женском теннисе нет такого разрыва, чтобы нельзя было обыграть Энен. Я думаю, что у нее будут серьезные проблемы в Пекине. У Жюстин ведь астма, а качество воздуха там не соответствует ее здоровью».

Стоит отметить, что на днях Новак опубликовал свой календарь выступлений на первую половину 2008 года. В планы третьей ракетки мира до конца мая входит участие в 10-ти турнирах АТР. По информации официального сайта 20-летнего теннисиста, Джокович начнет новый сезон с выступления на стартующем в эту субботу в австралийском Перте Кубке Хопмана. Вместе с ним за сборную Сербии, посеянную под первым номером, сыграет Елена Янкович, закончившая 2007 год на 3-й строчке рейтинга WTA. По окончании неофициального командного чемпионата мира Новак прибудет в Мельбурн, где примет участие в Australian Open - первом в сезоне турнире из серии «Большого Шлема». Потом Джоковича вместе со сборной Сербии ожидает визит в Москву на матч первого круга Мировой группы-2008 Кубка Дэвиса против команды России (8-10 февраля).

После того, как в календаре АТР стартует европейский сезон, теннисист планирует выступить на турнирах в Марселе (начало 11 февраля) и Роттердаме (18 февраля). Затем уроженец Белграда переедет в США, где сыграет на «Мастерсах» в Индиан-Уэллсе и Майами, после чего вернется в Европу на грунт, где примет участие в турнирах в Монте-Карло (21 апреля), Риме (5 мая) и Гамбурге (12 мая). Потом Джокович переберется в Париж, где 26 мая пройдет второй турнир серии «Большого шлема» «Ролан Гаррос».

Напомним, что в 2007 году Новак, начинавший сезон на 16-м месте мужской табели о рангах, завоевал пять титулов на турнирах АТР - в Аделаиде, Эшториле, Вене, а также на «Мастерсах» в Майами и Торонто. Помимо этого он сыграл в полуфиналах на «Ролан Гаррос» и Уимблдоне и дошел до финала на US Open, а также впервые в своей карьере принял участие в итоговом турнире года Tennis Masters Cup в Шанхае.



Лидия написал(а):

Тарпищев: «В 2008 году Джокович станет первым»

Гуру, дай я тя расцелую! Я вообще ему предсказала последний Уимблдон в карьере в прошлом году... Увидим-поживем)



Хопман & Queen's
http://keep4u.ru/imgs/s/080104/07/07c7c46da19a132eea.jpg-с вывертом да подвывертом(м)
http://keep4u.ru/imgs/s/080104/ee/ee0a5f7091bad479a4.jpg-эко его перекосило :scratch_one-s_head:
http://keep4u.ru/imgs/s/080104/52/52371573112b18c8be.jpg-эт любовь)

а дальше не знаю откуда
http://keep4u.ru/imgs/s/080104/28/2888caf99a1c2b997c.jpg-красавец ^_^



Мачо с гитарой!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
лассные фотки) на него смотришь и настроение поднимается) он на всех ТАКОЙ милый)))



да это не мачо,а ботаник косящий под рокера какой-то))



7th feeling написал(а):

да это не мачо,а ботаник косящий под рокера какой-то))

Не знаю не знаю)) Битлы то же так же смотертись)))))
Такой вот современный теннисный Ленон)))))



Битлы одевались в духе времени,а это... :rolleyes:
Убейте меня,но снимите с него этот костюм,этот галстук



Ну да...розовый явно не его цвет))) но всёравно мило)) именно мило)



и розовый не его,и полосатый серый не его...ему ваще лучше всего "бЭз верха" :pooh_lol:



7th feeling написал(а):

"бЭз верха"

О да))))))))))))))Этот его ракурс хзатимевает все остальные)))))))))))))
А если ещё и БЭЗ низа....тфу что-то я не о том размечталась))))))))))))))



:lol: не надА на корте бЭз низа :lol: а-то придумаю ATPшники статью какую-нибудь за разгуливание по корту бЭз одежды и будет Нолик денежку платить



7th feeling написал(а):

не надА на корте бЭз низа

Да ты ж не понимаешь от чего отказываешься))))))))))) Авось и все так начнут) И тут представь себе Маратик и Митька выплываюют на корт БЭЗ низа.....и все просто в восторге....

7th feeling написал(а):

будет Нолик денежку платить

Да жалко денежку Нолика...но пока штрафов нет можно попробовать))))))))))))



Лидия написал(а):

И тут представь себе Маратик и Митька выплываюют на корт БЭЗ низа

:lol: не хочу себе ЭТО представлять...я понимаю,бЭз низа в приватной обстановке,но не на корте ж :rolleyes:



7th feeling написал(а):

не хочу себе ЭТО представлять...я понимаю,бЭз низа в приватной обстановке,но не на корте ж

Ндаа......что-то я не подумала об этом...на корте это ЖЕСТОКО!!! Моя бедная детская психика этого не выдержит!!!!!!!!!!!
Пусть лучше БЭЗ верха))) остаётс япростор для фантазии)))



вот-вот)И я о том тебе говорю))



7th feeling написал(а):

вот-вот)И я о том тебе говорю))

Ну на том и порешим)))))))))))))
Будем орать Новаку на КД  "СНИ-МАЙ ФУТ-БОЛ-КУУУУУУУ"



А-ОН-НЕ-ПОЙ-МЕТ :girl_sad:



7th feeling написал(а):


В том то и дело что поймёт))))))
Я ж летом общалась с кучей сербов, и они русский почтив се знают.а кто не занет тот понимает....они похожи) когда они медленно разговаривают, я их понимаю) И поляков то же)



был бы Янко,он бы 100% понял.А у Нолика очень плохо с русским.У него намного лучше с английским.

Кстати,девочки,а вы собираетесь кого-нить на кд ловить?)



7th feeling написал(а):

Нолика очень плохо с русским.У него намного лучше с английским.


7th feeling написал(а):

Кстати,девочки,а вы собираетесь кого-нить на кд ловить?)

Мы то собираемся) я вот хочу Новака)))) хочу сфоткатсья) Да толкьо это ж ЛУЖА(( там вип зоны нет( и спортсмены польностью изолированны от публики(((



тю...можт они там автографы раздавать будут :P



7th feeling написал(а):

тю...можт они там автографы раздавать будут

Если будут, то мы в первых рядах))))))))))Настю с Катей на Баррикады и ВПЕРЁД!!!!!!!!!)



даааааааааа)))))))))особенно Катю)))))))))



7th feeling написал(а):

даааааааааа)))))))))особенно Катю)))))))))

Ага)) А я как "Ленин на броневике" буду командовать)))))))))))



Novak & Ana

War-torn Serbia has produced the two most brilliant and beautiful players in tennis right now. They are funny, charismatic, and if they ever get together and have kids, the rest of the world may as well give up

Interviews by Emma John and Adrian Deevoy
Sunday January 6, 2008
The Observer

Novak Djokovic
Men's tennis in 2007 was all about one man: Novak Djokovic. At the start of the season, he was 19 years old and ranked 16th in the world. By the time he left Wimbledon - stymied in the semis by foot blisters - he was number three. But the moment that defined his stellar year was not, surprisingly, a win. It was his appearance in the US Open final, against Roger Federer, in September. Djokovic may have lost the match, but the sight of Maria Sharapova screaming him on from his guest box - with Robert De Niro alongside - confirmed he had something that Federer, whatever blazer-and-trouser combos he may concoct, will never be able to emulate: style.
For a sense of Djokovic's flair, you could watch his Wimbledon quarter-final against Marcos Baghdatis, one of the most thrilling matches of the year, despite being five hours long, or the attacking play that defeated Federer in the final of the Montreal Masters in August. But that is only half the story. For the rest, see Djokovic's YouTube moments: his full-throated karaoke rendition of 'I Will Survive' at the French Open; his on-court impersonations of his fellow players, from a crotch-fiddling Nadal to a prancing Sharapova. Djokovic has charm and, crucially, wit, and has taken it upon himself to be Serbia's most winning, and most committed, ambassador to the world.
In his family's Belgrade office, in one of the city's ubiquitous concrete blocks, the young man who is the family business offers drinks with the kind of manners that would please your mum. I put it to Novak Djokovic that with his sporting ability, the four languages he speaks and the Monte Carlo second home, not to mention last year's $3.9m (£1.9m) prize money, he has to be the most eligible bachelor in Serbia right now. He laughs. There have, it transpires, been a few phone calls from hopeful mothers. 'Yes, that's one of the things that's happening now,' he says with a smile. 'But it's just part of the success. I'm happy, my family's happy, everything is going well.'

The evidence is around us. Djokovic's schedule for his three-day home visit is full of public appearances and private meetings, and the office is bustling. Uncles and cousins come and go, finalising arrangements for a charity event at the Belgrade Arena - one of the largest indoor stadiums in Europe - under the direction of Novak's dad Srdjan. Novak will be playing a doubles exhibition match with Ana Ivanovic, Jelena Jankovic and Janko Tipsarevic who have, in barely a year, effected nothing less than a revolution in Serbian sport. Until their recent successes, tennis ranked lower on the sporting consciousness here than volleyball, handball and water polo. Now it is challenging football and basketball as the country's most popular sport. Since the French Open, the tennis federation has seen a 40 per cent increase in people playing the sport and basketball courts are being hijacked by children wanting to hit balls over an imaginary net.

'Football has always been big here, even though we never achieved anything,' says Djokovic, who is a big fan of Red Star, the 1991 European champions. 'I love football and it's the sport I would really like to play. I've said on national television here that I would really love to play for one of our football clubs when I finished my tennis career. Everybody was surprised, but that's what I really want to do. When I finish, who knows? A couple of games, or half a season.'

Is he any good? 'Yeah!' What kind of player? 'Attacking. I like to score.' This makes sense: given his propensity to strip off his shirt for tennis fans, he would particularly enjoy the celebrations.

Anyway, who has the best body in the men's dressing room? He pauses to consider this quite seriously. 'Oh. Whooh. I would say, for sure, Paradorn Srichaphan. He has not been playing and I haven't seen him for a while. But he still has the best body in men's tennis.' Better than Rafa? 'Rafa? No, no... I don't like bodies like Rafa's.'

I ask if he has any bad habits. 'Breathing,' he replies. Er, right. 'It's something that's bothering me a bit. I still don't have the right breathing on the court, exhaling when you're hitting the ball. You lose a lot of energy if you're not breathing right. Maybe some yoga would help.' In 2005 he had an operation to fix what he calls a 'deviation' in his nose. Sounds weird. 'Yeah, it was! It was the worst time in my life. I was in the hospital and for three days I couldn't breathe because I had things in my nose, it was terrible. But the surgeon was from Italy and he knows how to do the job really well. He did nose surgery with Paolo Maldini and even Prime Minister Berlusconi. So he's pretty famous there.' Those are some important noses. Did he offer any, you know, shaping? 'Aesthetic wise? No, that was something they didn't offer.'

More than a hundred journalists turn up to Novak's morning press conference. With his white shirt tucked in to a pair of jeans, rimless glasses and his earnest responses, he has the air not so much of a sportsman as of a PhD student, or an accountant. Alongside him sit his two younger brothers, teenager Marko and 12-year-old Djordje, both promising players. Marko's shy, but little Djordje is not. When someone asks him who his tennis idols are, he replies: 'I like players from the past like Andre Agassi. But I like myself the best.'

Djokovic's own hero was, and remains, Pete Sampras, because, aged six, it was Sampras he watched win Wimbledon in 1993, jump- starting his love of the game. It is hard to imagine in what way punctilious Pete might have inspired such an extrovert. Djokovic laughs. 'We're totally opposite. Totally opposite personalities. Totally opposite game. But I just love the way he deals with the pressure. He always plays well, always serves well in the important moments. Mentally he was the strongest person I've ever seen. I'm just really sad that I still haven't had the chance to meet him. Maybe in the upcoming season in the States I will.' What will he say when he finally does meet him? 'I don't know... I'll probably say nothing for 10 minutes, I'll be so confused. Then I'll say, "Let's play!"'

One player he has befriended - ever since they began competing - is Andy Murray. You suspect they would make a pretty wild duo. 'Well, we haven't partied too much,' says Djokovic, looking almost demure. 'But on the court you can see how we're both playing with a lot of emotion. He screams a lot, and I throw rackets.' The pair have always been closely compared in ability and potential; but over the past year, while Djokovic has been fulfilling his, Murray has been left nursing injuries and kicking the sofa. Does that make things awkward between them? Novak looks momentarily sheepish. 'Actually, I lost his number.'

Perhaps he has the gossip on what is happening between Jelena and Andy's brother Jamie, who looked so cosy at last year's Wimbledon? He grins. 'No. But as soon as I see Jelena today I'm going to ask her what's going on. I heard she was denying everything, but I think I saw them at the US Open together, so I don't know.' And speaking of these things, what is the deal with him and Sharapova? 'There is no deal,' he says, though he is clearly not offended at the question. 'Obviously when you see her sitting there in the final of the US Open cheering for me you think, "What's going on?" But it's just a nice friendship.'

By 5pm, Djokovic has changed into a velvety brown suit, far more befitting his sex-symbol status, for Serbia's sports personality of the year awards, held at one of Belgrade's slightly shabbier hotels. Apart from a wrestler, a drag racer and a kayaking quartet, Djokovic's only real competition for the title comes from Jankovic and Ivanovic. At the buffet that follows her son's inevitable victory, his mum, Dijana, talks about the tennis academy that the family is hoping to establish in his name. 'The important thing is that the idols for young Serbs now are very good kids,' she says. 'They are people who really worked hard to get where they are now. They didn't steal, cheat, or kill somebody to get there. For 10 years it was so bad. The role models were gangsters, or drug dealers. Everything is changing.'

Afterwards, the Djokovic family head for dinner with one of their own idols - Alberto Tomba, aka Tomba la Bomba, the legendary Italian skier and multiple world champion. Djokovic's father Srdjan was a skier for the former Yugoslavia, and his parents met on the piste; throughout Novak's childhood they ran a pizza-and-pancakes restaurant in the ski-resort town of Kapaonik. While most professional sportspeople shun the slopes - because neither their coaches nor their insurance companies like it - Novak still skis whenever he can. So which is he: speed or style? 'I like to think it's a combination of both,' he says. 'But I try to have more style. I like to look nice on the skis.'

That Djokovic became a tennis player at all is something of a curiosity. As well as inheriting skiing genes from his father, his mother's family contained some serious volleyballing talent. 'Nobody actually played tennis in my family,' he says. But as he watched four tennis courts being built opposite the family restaurant, the five-year-old Djokovic was enthralled. Jelena Gencic, who opened the tennis camp there, is still coaching in her seventies; Djokovic often describes her as the biggest tennis influence in his life. Gencic remembers the day he first arrived to play. 'He arrived half an hour early with a big tennis bag,' she says. 'Inside his bag I saw a tennis racket, towel, bottle of water, banana, wrist-bands, everything you need for a game. I asked him, "Who packed your bag, your mother?" He said, "No, I packed it." He was only five. I said: "How did you know what to pack?" And he said, "I watch TV."' His mum Dijana says that even as a young boy he was a perfectionist. 'I always tried to win,' Djokovic agrees. 'I was as competitive as I am today.'

It was his tennis routine that saw the family through during the Nato bombing campaign in 1999. 'All our family were here in Belgrade during the bombing, and all day we were on court,' Dijana says. 'And this is what saved us. It wasn't any more or less safe than any other place in the street, but if you're sitting at home in the basement, thinking they are going to bomb your home, you're going crazy. It's not good. We were practising all day, and at seven o'clock we would go home and sit with the curtains closed, everything closed and dark the way it had to be.'

Sponsors weren't interested in a young Serb, even when he won junior European titles, so Djokovic's parents had to rely on their extended family for help. Perhaps that partly explains why Djokovic is so keen to be an ambassador for his homeland. 'He always feels he needs to act diplomatically,' says his coach, Marian Vajda. 'He loves his country.' And yet, ironically, his popularity has become so overpowering that he has to train abroad. 'Even to come to see his family is hard,' Vajda says. 'He gets so bothered. Last time we had a practice in Belgrade we had 20 people on the court, so I said no more. It's better for him to practise somewhere else. But of course he misses it so much.'

Belgrade Arena holds 20,000 people. Tonight, every seat is filled, and every person present - little boy, teenage girl, adult male - seems to have a fairly open crush on 'Nole', as they call him here. The other participants in the celebrity doubles match, Tipsarevic, Ivanovic and Jankovic, are announced to loud cheers. When Djokovic appears, however, the cheers turn to hysterical screams. Grown men hurl themselves down the stadium steps to get closer. The four greet one another as the old friends they are; Djokovic, living up to his heart-throb role, offers Ana an elaborate bow that ends on bended knee. The crowd loves it.

Although they played at different clubs, Djokovic has practised and played with Ivanovic since they were five years old. 'She's a fantastic girl,' he has told me earlier, 'one of the nicest I've ever met. She has such a great personality, very calm and very positive. And she's beautiful as well! She has a beautiful smile. She's attracting people wherever she goes because she's very bright and people recognise it and respect her.' Has she ever taken a game off you? 'No!' Then: 'I'm joking. Of course she has. But I could never play with her 100 per cent serious because I laugh with her more than anyone else. I really enjoy practising with her.' Who's better, Ana or Jelena? Djokovic is too gentlemanly to be drawn. 'I just say... I don't know! I wouldn't, because they're both playing great tennis.'

The exhibition match is only one set long, much of it a showcase for his on-court silliness and, of course, impersonations. At the end of the evening, Djokovic and Tipsarevic join the band to sing a popular, though puzzling, song about friendship (sample lyrics: 'I myself am a migratory bird'). Djokovic's voice is not what you would call tuneful, but right now he could release a recording of his tooth-brushing routine and still have a number-one hit. Maybe one day, he says, he could be a singer, or an actor. 'Or who knows what,' he says. 'I'm really enjoying my time.'

Interview by Emma John

Остаток статьи с Аной выложу в теме "Сербский подряд"







Ну что-то он плохо накаченый....



:lol: в самый раз.качки-моветон  :/



)))))))))))))ну ненаю)))))



Новак Джокович: я знаю, что способен на большее

Серб Новак Джокович перед стартом Открытого чемпионата Австралии поведал о своих целях и задачах на грядущий сезон.

- Мне бы очень хотелось провести 2008-й год на таком же высоком уровне, который я демонстрировал в прошлом сезоне. Это меня бы удовлетворило, хотя я знаю, что способен на большее. Разумеется, мне есть куда расти, что улучшать в своей игре, как прогрессировать. Прошлый год я начинал 16-м: конечно же, не мог и подумать, что уже через полгода стану третьим. Всё, чего я добился, было достигнуто за счёт кропотливой и тяжелой работы, - цитирует Джоковича Reuters.