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Поделиться922008-12-24 19:45:47
Ой, клевая)))
Поделиться932008-12-27 15:06:41
Иванович – самая привлекательная теннисистка 2008 года
Общенациональная канадская газета The Globe & Mail составила список самых привлекательных теннисисток уходящего года. Первое место заняла пятая ракетка мира Ана Иванович. За ней расположились следующие теннисистки:
2. Мария Кириленко (Россия).
3. Винус Уильямс (США).
4. Мария Шарапова (Россия).
5. Елена Янкович (Сербия).
Поделиться962009-01-12 14:23:57
Иванович не хочет стать Курниковой. Видео
Пятая ракетка мира Ана Иванович заявила, что не хотела бы повторить судьбу россиянки Анны Курниковой и менять карьеру профессиональной спортсменки на работу фотомодели, сообщают испанские СМИ.
"В первую очередь я - профессиональная теннисистка", - заявила сербка, отвечая на вопрос, могла бы она посвятить свою жизнь модельному бизнесу, как в свое время это сделала Курникова.
"У Курникова был большой талант, но она растеряла его, оставив теннис в уже в молодости и отдав предпочтение карьере модели. Я бы так никогда не сделала", - заметила Иванович. Сегодня Иванович считается одной из самых красивых теннисисток в мире, поэтому к ее персоне всегда и везде обращено повышенное внимание. Несмотря на это сербка, по собственному признанию, старается сохранять доброжелательные отношения с остальными теннисистками.
"Спортсмены чересчур эгоцентричны и, конечно, все довольно ревниво относятся к успехам друг друга, для нас нормален дух соперничества", - сказала она. По мнению Аны, сейчас лучший теннис демонстрируют сестры Уильмс. "Серена и Винус Уильямс играют порой просто потрясающе. Совершенно очевидно, что они совершили революцию в теннисе".
Уходящий год стал для Иванович самым успешным в карьере: в июне спортсменка выиграла "Ролан Гаррос" и стала первой ракеткой мира. Сейчас она находится в Австралии, где начала готовиться к новому сезону.
Поделиться972009-01-12 18:04:51
стаааренькая статейка) Они ее каждый месяц что ли постят?
Поделиться1092009-01-16 16:43:46
Вот исчо Ролекс
она тут на себя не похожа,поэтому не рискнула выкладывать
Поделиться1102009-01-16 18:09:41
Поделиться1132009-01-17 15:20:46
Ana Ivanovic 17-01-09
Saturday 17 January 2009
Q. Given your illness in Brisbane, are you on track to go one step further this tournament?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yes, I feel I am. After Brisbane, I had a couple days off to recover. I've been practicing really good since then, you know, enjoying Melbourne, hitting quite a few times on the center court, which is great to go out there and enjoy it.
I feel very good coming into the event.
Q. Does the lack of match practice worry you at all?
ANA IVANOVIC: I had couple matches, you know, in Brisbane, and I feel very confident. I feel very fit. I think actually it's the fittest I've been in my career so far.
Obviously, last couple days I tried to play lot of points and try to, you know, implement things I was working on in like match situations.
But it going to be different playing a real match again. But I'm sure, you know, I'll start well and try to work myself into the tournament.
Q. We saw in the second half of last season there was a lot of pressure and expectations. Is it nice to come to the Australian Open and not be one of the top seeds and have that intense pressure on your game?
ANA IVANOVIC: No, not really. You know, I still put expectations on myself and things I want to achieve. I learned a lot from last year. I feel like a girl who can actually win this Grand Slam.
Like I said, I want to enjoy tennis and work myself into playing and competing. But, you know, pressure is always there and it's also what I expect of myself and what I know I can achieve. You know, it's always there.
Q. Both Serena and Jelena were saying earlier today in their minds they both think they're No. 1. Do you also feel that you're No. 1?
ANA IVANOVIC: Well, you know, honestly I don't think about that. I just try to focus on things I have to do on the court in order to win matches and to improve. Playing good and winning tournaments, rankings take cares of themselves. I don't put too much hope or expectation on that part of, you know, the game, the rankings.
Yeah, like I said, just basically enjoying. But I think the race for No. 1 position, it's very close. There is lot of good players at the moment.
Q. Have you managed to go for a surf while you've been here?
ANA IVANOVIC: Not in Melbourne, unfortunately. I've heard about one, one and a half hours' drive to the beaches where you can actually surf. I would love to. Maybe after the tournament, if I have a chance before heading back for Fed Cup, if I have chance to go, I would love to.
Q. Might need a wet suit. The water is pretty cold.
ANA IVANOVIC: I know. All these shark attacks got me a little bit scared (laughter).
Q. You said you've been enjoying Melbourne. What else have you been doing apart from the tennis court? Have you been with your relatives?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yes, actually last night I spent the evening with my relatives, you know, just easy barbecue at home. I went to the cinema a couple of times. Just walked down to the city center, to the South Bank. It's very nice. I like to go for a walk there.
Q. Do you have difficulty having any sort of privacy when you're out, people coming up to you wanting autographs?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, I did experience that. It was also kind of new experience because, you know, up until maybe the end of last year, it will always happen in Serbia, but never really when I was abroad. Now here people come up to me a lot. We always have breakfast in one restaurant next to our hotel. They always come up and ask for autographs. It's kind of new experience. It's kind of strange, but nice. I don't know how to explain it.
Q. Who do you think your biggest rival will be?
ANA IVANOVIC: Well, like I said, there is lots of girls playing very well at the moment. It's the first Grand Slam of the year so everyone is kind of trying to get their form and to feel good about their game. The Williams sisters, Jelena, Dinara, Dementieva, they're all playing well at the moment. It's going to be a very, very tough Grand Slam. I think it's what makes it interesting for us, as the players, also for spectators. They really can't pick a sure winner.
Q. You said you're probably the fittest you've been in your career. Have you seen the weather forecast the next week? Looks like a few 32 degree days. Pretty hot.
ANA IVANOVIC: Well, you know, I spent lot of time in (indiscernible). It's pretty hot there, too. Also quite humid. I actually enjoy playing in heat.
But here in Melbourne, the weather changes a lot. Over the last couple days, they were saying they expected high temperatures, then it was quite low. But, like I said, I really don't mind the heat.
Поделиться1142009-01-18 19:53:50
Янкович подписала контракт с компанией ANTA Sports Products Limited
Первая ракетка мира Елена Янкович из Сербии подписала контракт с китайским производителем спортивной одежды компанией ANTA Sports Products Limited.
Эксклюзивное сотрудничество ANTA Sports Products Limited с Янкович является беспрецедентным для китайской спортивной марки и одним из крупнейших соглашений в женском теннисе. Компания будет поставлять 23-летней Янкович одежду, обувь и аксессуары, в которых сербка начнет выступать уже на Открытом чемпионате Австралии, сообщает официальный сайт Янкович.
Поделиться1152009-01-19 08:33:13
Уж извините, хостить некогда)
Поделиться1162009-01-19 09:26:46
как всегда страшна
Поделиться1172009-01-20 12:09:40
Ana Ivanovic 19-01-09
Q. Tight first set, but you finished it off well with two aces. How did you sum up your first round?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yes, I'm very pleased to have a victory, obviously. In the beginning, I took some time to adjust to rhythm and everything, to slowly get into match, because I never obviously played against her before. Actually never seen her play. And she's very young, talented girl. She was hitting the ball very well.
It took me some time to adjust to that in the beginning, but I'm very happy that I took opportunities I had. It was very, very close first set. In the second set, it was lot of games with deuce and advantage. But very happy to keep my composure in important moments.
Q. Was it a little tougher than you expected?
ANA IVANOVIC: You know, I expect tough match every match I step on the court. Obviously you want to work your way into tournament. Like I said, it was tougher because I didn't know what to expect against her.
I took some time in the beginning, you know, to see that she was tracking the ball very well. I think I was defending little bit way too much in the beginning.
So, you know, just happy to be through and to still have things to work on.
Q. How was it out there in terms of the weather?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yes, it was very warm today. You know, it's important to stay hydrated and drink a lot of water. I've been here in Australia for a month now, so kind of got used to it.
Q. When is the last time you felt like you hit the ball great for two weeks in a row and you were in complete confidence?
ANA IVANOVIC: Well, obviously, you know, I didn't perform best at the two tournaments back to back since probably French Open. But, you know, I feel it's a new year and I feel I'm in a great physical shape. You know, it's a fresh start for me basically.
I just want to get the experience I took from last year. I'm just enjoy my tennis again and enjoy competing. I think this might be the two weeks (laughter).
Q. Are you waiting for that moment where you're going to wake up in the morning, get on the court, everything is going to be great again?
ANA IVANOVIC: I don't think it comes overnight, to be honest. I put lot of hard work in off‑season. Obviously, you know, worked hard off the court as well.
But, you know, I just need some matches to get in that competition spirit again, obviously get some confidence.
But, you know, I can fall back on things I've done in off‑season. That's something that can get me through my first rounds.
Q. How much tougher do you think this slam is than the other three, being that with those three you're playing already into the year, and here basically everybody is coming in?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yes, this is a very specific one. But I think everyone put lots of hard work in off‑season. As soon as you see player, you know, you can tell if they put hard work in or not.
Yeah, it's just important to work yourself into matches, like I said, because you come here without playing too many matches. So, you know, it's important to realize that and have a good confidence from the work you done in off‑season.
Q. What about the speed of the courts? Are they any faster or slower than last year?
ANA IVANOVIC: No, I think they are pretty much the same. The ball is bouncing very, very high obviously. But, yeah, they're playing the same.
Q. What would satisfy you at this tournament? How could you walk away a happy person, be happy with your game?
ANA IVANOVIC: First of all, I'm happy no matter what happens (smiling). Second of all, you know, I just want to have feeling that, you know, I gave hundred percent.
If that was not good enough today, that I lost, or if it was good enough to win, that's perfect. I just want to be honest to myself that I gave the best chance I can possibly give.
Q. How much does playing well, playing your best, mean to you?
ANA IVANOVIC: Obviously, you know, you want to perform the best you can every match. But it only happens maybe few times a year that you play perfect tennis, and other days you have to work yourself and stay tough and be mentally stronger maybe than other players.
So I don't want to, you know, expect myself to play perfect match, because, like I say, it doesn't happen that often. You just have to sort of get through the tough days.
Q. How do you rate your own chances at the moment? How do you rate your own game or form right now?
ANA IVANOVIC: Like I said, I had very good preparations, so that's something that gives me confidence. There are still some things I want to work on. I just feel I need some more match play, yeah, matches in front of big crowds. That's something that's been missing last couple of months in my game.
But otherwise I feel very confident. Today I wasn't doing so much stepping in as I probably would like to. That's something that I worked on in off‑season. Hopefully, you know, in my next match I can implement that.
Q. So there's room for improvement?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, definitely. Like I said, I don't expect myself to step on the court and play perfect tennis from very first moment. You just want to give yourself the best possible chance and give time to work yourself into the tournament.
Q. Dementieva was saying the other day after she won Sydney that she loves the pressure of coming into a Grand Slam as a contender; she actually wants people to talk about her as a major contender. Do you feel the same way?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yes, I think it's important to have a pressure coming into the Grand Slam, because if you feel pressure it means that you're in a position to do something well. That's what you work for and what you aim.
It definitely gives you confidence.
Q. A question on Fed Cup. Obviously you and Jelena could be a team that could win the Fed Cup. How tough are the Russians to even try to take that title away from?
ANA IVANOVIC: You know, I think we have a very good team. I think we have a very good possibility to win the Fed Cup. There are a lot of good players and good teams out there.
But we have to, again, work our way through to the World Group to even be in a chance to play against them.
Q. The Russians have seemed to have owned it the last four years.
ANA IVANOVIC: Hopefully we can take it away from them (laughter).
Q. You enjoy the fan support. They continue to love you more and more each year.
ANA IVANOVIC: That's a great honor. I really enjoy that. It's great to be back here on a big court, see all the people coming out again and supporting me.
Also, you know, few times when I go out for a dinner they come up. They're like, We watched you last year; we're coming again this year. It's great, yeah.
Q. Four of the leading players of recent years ‑ Kim Clijsters, Justine Henin, Maria Sharapova, and Lindsay Davenport ‑ are not playing in this event. Do you think that improves your chances of winning it?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, they were definitely great players. You know, Maria was really unfortunate not to perform. But I still think there are lots of good players out there this year, a lot of tough opponents.
Поделиться1202009-01-24 09:46:30
"Australian Open Interview: Ana Ivanovic - 1/23"
Q. Didn't seem to get your form where you wanted to in the third set.
ANA IVANOVIC: She played really well. I thought so. I tried to come back. I fought really hard in the second set and had my chances. Had my chances in the first set and in the third set.
Unfortunately, in important points she played really well. You know, I gave my 100%. Today she was better. She came up with some unbelievable shots and unbelievable angles. I think she played the match of her career.
Q. How did you feel you're playing in comparison to last year?
ANA IVANOVIC: Well, it's very hard to compare. You know, obviously last year I was playing better and better through each match. Today I thought I was fighting really hard, and I had some unbelievable shots. She was playing really well and you come out with different opponents. So it's very hard to compare.
Q. You staged a remarkable comeback last year against. When you broke her back in the third set, did you think you were coming back again?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, I believe until the last point I can still turn around the match. I did in the second set with a couple breaks down and a couple more breaks down. I really tried to fight very hard. I also thought I was a little bit unlucky with a few let cords that went out. Also, I was a little bit disappointed and my serve let me down in few important moments of the match.
Still, like I said, she played an amazing match. I gave my hundred percent, and I can only learn from this and try to work hard. Sometimes losses make you more motivated to work harder.
Q. She did play very well. Were you happy with your own level throughout the match?
ANA IVANOVIC: I thought the first set was lots of ups and downs. It was very hard to find the rhythm, because I felt like points were very short. It was either winner or unforced errors from both of us. That was a little bit disappointing and frustrating, because I tried to come up with longer rallies and everything. She's just the type of player that likes to hit the first shot and that's it.
So that was a little bit frustrating. Especially that I was 5‑3 up and serving for the set. After all, I just, yeah, tried to fight until the last moment.
Q. So how disappointing is this for you, or is it just another maybe roadblock?
ANA IVANOVIC: No. Obviously it's very disappointing, and I'm very, very sad because I really felt I could do well here. I felt physically fit. So it's really, really disappointing. I can just try to learn from this.
Like I said, sometimes losses make you more motivated to work harder, and that's definitely, you know, my aim.
I felt like I was in quite a good level. I just want to keep building on this. There is plenty more tournaments in front of me. That's a good thing about tennis.
Q. Are you surprised that after winning Roland Garros things have gotten more difficult?
ANA IVANOVIC: No. I expect it was going to be tough. Once you become No. 1 player, everyone wants to have a piece of you. All of a sudden you are the person with the target on your back.
You know, I just was with injuries it was really hard and a learning experience for me. I faced a lot of first‑time situations. It's a new experience for me as well. Lots of things I'm experiencing for the first time.
I just want to try to learn from each match I play, and this is definitely a tough one. It might sting at first. In the long run, I hope it makes me tougher.
Q. Have you got anyone in your entourage that's been in a situation like this? You're not working with a coach, are you?
ANA IVANOVIC: No, unfortunately. No one has experienced anything like this. I'm looking for a coach. We have already chat with a couple potential coaches. In the near future, I really would like to make a decision. I think it's important.
Also, without a coach for so long it's a little bit tough. You just need some direction sometimes. That's something I felt was missing in my game. Already for a while we're trying to look into some good possibilities.
Obviously, it's a hard one, so I want to make sure we get the right coach.
Q. You looked a bit nervous out there.
ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, no. Today I was really not nervous. First match I was a little bit more nervous. Today, no. I really tried to enjoy out there.
Like I said, in the beginning I struggled a little bit with the rhythm, so that was something I was looking for, a little bit longer rallies. Otherwise no, I really didn't feel nervous.
Actually, I was feeling quite confident out there. After I won the second set, I really thought I could do it, I could win the match and turn it around. Yeah, she just played too good.
Q. Do you have any comments on the violence that happened today outside, and your thoughts on fans getting so upset they feel like they have to punch each other?
ANA IVANOVIC: It's very sad. I think sport is a great thing to bring people together. No matter from where you come from, it's important that everyone be enjoying and happy and enjoy the tennis or sport at all. I'm very sad to see these things happening.
Kind of every year here and there a little bit. I really hope in the future people can end this and appreciate the tennis and the hard work we put in and just enjoy it rather than have fights.